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Sustainability Ratings For Global Supply Chains

Our flagship solution, EcoVadis Ratings, is the cornerstone of over 1400+ sustainable procurement programs within global value chains and has been tested on over 150,000+ companies across 250+ industries and 185+ countries. We help companies improve sustainability across their supply chains and comply with growing global regulations.

EcoVadis: Global, Reliable Assessments

Solving a complex challenge, making it easier for buyers and better for suppliers.

Stop The ‘Survey Madness’!

Companies are understandably frustrated and fatigued from too many self-assessments and questionnaires. Some receive 25+ questionnaires from customers every year. They want one assessment, customized to their business (and in their language), with clear results and feedback, that they can share everywhere.



of suppliers are already in the network…

…and increasing rapidly. Our industry collaborations include TfS, Railsponsible and E-Tasc.



cost savings versus adopting an in-house program

Our procurement clients saved 80% in costs compared to internal supplier CSR programs.



of suppliers improve their score

2 companies out of 3 improve their scorecard performance upon second evaluation.

Platform Features


Shows you and your trading partners their performance in four themes: Environment, Labor & Human Rights, Ethics, and Sustainable Procurement.


Compare overall or theme performance by industry/purchasing category or country.

Strengths & Improvements

Details and insights into the four themes: Strengths (what you’re doing well) and Improvement Areas (which priorities require improvement).

360 Watch & Live News

External inputs from over 150000 public sources to augment company-provided documentation – during and between ratings – and verified by EcoVadis analysts.


Powerful modules to support your analysis and reporting – on your network’s performance, program coverage and improvement over time. One-click reporting for regulations like LkSG, CSRD, modern slavery laws, and more.

Integrating Ratings Into Your Processes & Teams

Our customers integrate ratings across the procurement lifecycle and use EcoVadis as a transformative tool for their teams.

Require EcoVadis for all new suppliers as a prerequisite
Require EcoVadis for all new suppliers as a prerequisite
RFP & Awarding
Incorporate EcoVadis Ratings into RFP scoring and awarding rules
RFP & Awarding
Incorporate EcoVadis Ratings into RFP scoring and awarding rules
Include EcoVadis assessment as a contract condition
Include EcoVadis assessment as a contract condition
Consider EcoVadis scores during the ordering process
Consider EcoVadis scores during the ordering process
SRM & Risk Management
Monitor supplier sustainability performance over time
SRM & Risk Management
Monitor supplier sustainability performance over time

Our Solution Approach

Ratings Platform

EcoVadis is the first and largest collaborative platform in the world for trading partners to share sustainability performance information. Request assessments, monitor performance, create reports, and engage your team in your risk and performance goals.

Methodology & Assessment Model

Our methodology covers seven management
indicators, across 21 sustainability criteria, in four themes: Environment, Labor & Human Rights, Ethics, and Sustainable Procurement. It is based on leading standards, such as GRI, UNGC, and ISO 26000, and it is supervised by an international scientific committee. We rate performance by assessing a company’s policies, actions and results, as well as inputs from third-party professionals and external stakeholders.

Labor & Human Rights
Sustainable Procurement

Engagement & Support Services

We support your suppliers throughout the assessment and performance improvement process. Companies being assessed are supported by a dedicated onboarding team, proficient in 14+ languages and available 24h/5d by email, chat, or phone.

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