Corporate Sustainability Initiative for the Electronics Industry | EcoVadis Skip to content


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The Value of Supply Chain Sustainability

Tools and indicators for supplier and third-party performance are evolving fast. Businesses at the top tiers of electronics and high-tech manufacturing are increasingly scrutinized by customers and stakeholders regarding environmental, labor & human rights, as well as ethical issues in their supply chains. Companies with a proactive approach are not only mitigating business risks, but they are increasing opportunities.

Improve Performance
& Reduce Costs

Drive Innovation
& Growth

Manage Risk
& Protect Your Brand

Current Clients In Industry

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Platform overview


The EcoVadis scorecards help companies monitor suppliers’ CSR practices across 220+ purchasing categories and 180+ countries. The assessment framework is customized for each company according to their activities, size, and geographic location for operations.


Access dashboards to monitor the performance of your portfolio by buyer, category or custom filters. Request assessments, create reports, export data, and engage your team in your risk and performance goals and initiatives.


Benchmark supplier performance per theme by purchasing category or country.

Action Plans

Access action plans to start a dialogue between buyers and suppliers on actions taken by the supplier to improve their CSR performance.

NEW: Barometer 2024: Transforming Procurement into a Strategic Sustainability & Resilience Partner
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